Advancing medical regulation on behalf of
the public through collaboration, common
standards and best practices.

Article 7 – Officers of FMRAC

7.1 The Officers of FMRAC shall be the President, President-elect, Immediate Past President, Treasurer and Executive Director.
7.2 The Officers shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board and be charged to carry out the mission, activities and priorities of FMRAC.
7.3 An Officer of FMRAC should not concurrently hold office as an Officer of the Medical Council of Canada.
7.4 An Executive Director shall be appointed by the Board and hold office at the pleasure of the Board or pursuant to the terms of any contract between the Executive Director and FMRAC. The Executive Director shall be responsible for implementing the strategic plans and policies of FMRAC and, subject to the authority of the board, have general supervision of the affairs of FMRAC.

The President:

7.5.1 Shall be the senior Officer.
7.5.2 Shall serve for a one-year term. The term may be extended to two years in exceptional circumstances.
7.5.3 If present, shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall be an ex officio member of all committees and working groups of the Board.
7.5.4 Shall represent FMRAC in meetings with Members of Parliament, including parliamentary committees.
7.5.5 Has the authority, if need be to delegate to any member of the Board such authority, duties or tasks as may be required to conduct the affairs of FMRAC.

The President-elect:

7.6.1 Shall be elected every year by the Members at the Annual Meeting of the Members from a slate presented by the Governance Committee. Only Directors may be nominated for President-elect. Nominations from the floor are permitted.
7.6.2 Shall serve for a one-year term. The term may be extended to two years in exceptional circumstances.
7.6.3 Shall, in the absence of the President, act for the President.
7.6.4 Shall assume the office of President at the conclusion of the President’s term, at the time of the Annual Meeting of the Members.
7.6.5 If for any reason a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the President-elect shall assume the presidency for the balance of the term.
7.6.6 If for any reason a vacancy occurs in the position of President-elect, the Board may appoint an alternate pending the next meeting of the Members.

The Immediate Past President:

7.7.1 Shall serve for a one-year term during the first year of the President’s term.
7.7.2 Shall, in the absence of the President and the President-Elect, act for the President.
7.7.3 In the event that the office of Immediate Past President becomes vacant, the preceding Immediate Past President shall serve as Immediate Past President. If the preceding Immediate Past President is unable to serve, the Board shall appoint a member of the Board to assume the duties of Immediate Past President.

The Treasurer:

7.8.1 Shall serve for a three-year term.
7.8.2 Shall be the Chair of the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee.