Advancing medical regulation on behalf of
the public through collaboration, common
standards and best practices.

Committee on Medical Licensure in Canada

The Committee on Medical Licensure in Canada includes senior staff representation from each of the provincial and territorial medical regulatory authorities, one representative from the Medical Council of Canada and the Chair of the FMRAC Working Group on Assessment & Supervision.

Historically, the Committee on Medical Licensure in Canada:

  • Served as the main committee for the Contribution Agreement with HRSDC entitled Towards A National Physician Registration Process for Canada.
  • Drafted national standards for registration and licensure for:
    • Full registration
    • Provisional registration
      • Specify and describe the conditions and restrictions on provisional licenses.
    • Liaised with the FMRAC AIT Steering Committee prior to, and during, consultation with the Members.

Currently, the Committee on Medical Licensure in Canada continues to review and update the FMRAC Model Standards for Medical Registration in Canada as issues are identified during implementation and other issues arise over time.